Émilie Robinson - Amigurumis – Passionlaine

Émilie Robinson - Amigurumis

Posted by Nathalie Daigle on

Thank you to Miss Émilie Robinson, one of our clients who agreed to share with you three of her achievements (all made with Scheepjes Catona) and her story.

A lot of work and talent in these great achievements.

JMy name is Émilie Robinson and I am 24 years old. I am passionate about crafts, sports, and science. I work in the health field and as a hobby I crochet to put some sun in my days.

Crochet has been part of my life since I was little. My mother had decided to teach me this art because she found me a little too impatient. So, I have been doing it since I was 10 years old! Let's say that at first, it was not love at first sight. I had to work a lot to complete my projects and improve myself.

A few years later, my mother and I discovered the world of amigurumis. Having many years of practice behind the crochet tie, we decided to take on this new challenge. I immediately loved to see my creations come to life and give them to the children who look at me with a smile from ear to ear. So that's why I decided to open Princess Stella, which now allows me to please as many people as possible with my creations. I take the time to do them all with love, thinking of the happiness that each of my accomplishments can transmit.

Since mid-August 2021, my creations are on sale at Choupinette in Sherbrooke. This boutique offers the creations of more than 55 artisans from Quebec.

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